The course is designed to deliver first-hand knowledge and training through technology on Islamic finance.The course will be in Urdu .It will be taught by expert scholars who are working for Islamic finance institutions.
The topics include: Islamic Financial Framework, Modelling products based on IF ,Matter of Riba through lens of IF , Concept of Takaful( Islamic insurance), Mechanism of Shariah Audit and Compliance in IF , Cryptocurrencies , etc.
S. no. | Lesson |
1 | Islamic Finance- Urdu - Lecture 1 - Intro to Fiqh & Fiqh ul Muamlaat |
2 | Islamic Finance- Urdu -Lecture 2 - Concept, Nature and importance of Fiqh ul-Muamlaat Al-Maliyya (FMM) |
3 | Islamic Finance - Udru -Lecture 3 - Developments in FMM (Classical to Modern era) |
4 | Islamic Finance - Udru - Lecture 4- Match between Islamic Finance (IF) and FMM |
5 | Islamic Finance - Udru - Lecture 5 - Matter of RIBA through the lens of FMM and Modern IF |
6 | Islamic Finance - Udru - Lecture 6 - Principles of IF-1 |
7 | Islamic Finance - Udru - Lecture 7 - Principles of IF-2 |
8 | Islamic Finance - Urdu - Lecture 8 - Maqasid Al Shariah and FMM |
9 | Islamic Finance - Urdu - Lecture 9 - Islamic Financial Framework |
10 | Islamic Finance - Urdu - Lecture 10 - Structuring of products in IF and Role of FMM |
11 | Islamic Finance - Urdu -Lecture 11 Modes of IF and FMM-1 (Participatory Modes) |
12 | Islamic Finance - Urdu - Lecture 12 Modes of IF and FMM-2 (Trade Based) |
14 | Islamic Finance - Urdu - Lecture 15 Islamic Microfinance Loan based VS Product Based Models |
13 | Islamic Finance - Urdu - Lecture 13 Modes of IF and FMM-3 (Lease Based) |
15 | Islamic Finance - Urdu - Lecture 16 Takaful and FMM |
16 | Islamic Finance - Urdu -Lecture 17 Importance of Shariah Governance for IF industry |
17 | Islamic Finance - Urdu - Lecture 18 Crypto assets and Fiqh ul Muamlaat Al Maliyya |
Basic knowledge of Finance